Web store - Pdf files

- Instagram guitar licks -

Here are pdf files to my Instagram guitar licks.

You will get the music score including guitar tabs without and with notations that tells what scale is played or anything else that´s important to know about the particular guitar lick.

The first 20 guitar licks have official music score with notations and you can see them below. All other licks have also notations but not official.

Watch the guitar licks from links below.

...and you choose the guitar lick number in the shoplist below. Check out the guitar licks offer further down the page.

E-books to the jazz licks here

and to the fusion licks here


Choose from the list below and I send you the package when I see your purchase.

Shop list

Watch the guitar licks and the music score with notations below.

- Insta lick no 1 (Dominant diminished) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 2 (2-5-1 in major7/pentatonics) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 3 (Octave playing) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 4 (Aeolian scale lines from "Riff it") - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 5 (Lines from Road song) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 6 (Diminished lines) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 7 (2-5-1 in major lines) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 8 (Dominant Lydian lines) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 9 (Modulations from "All the things you are") - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 10 (Country picking lines, Swinging Cowboy) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 11 (Phrygian scale) - Music with notations

- Insta lick no 12 (Country pickin´ solo) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 13 (Lines from All the things you are)- Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 15 (Melodic minor) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 17 (Arpeggio & Pentatonics) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 18 (Charlie Christian lines) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 19 (Wes Montgomery lines) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 20 (George Benson lines) - Music score with notations

- Insta lick no 21 (3 pentatonic scales to Am7)

- Insta lick no 22 (Chromatic lick)

- Insta lick no 23 (One chorus Blue Bossa)

- Insta lick no 24 (Outside playing)

- Insta lick no 25 (Arpeggio lick in A major)

- Insta lick no 26 (Country picking soloing - Chet chat)

- Insta lick no 27 (Country guitar lines from Chet chat)

- Insta lick no 28 (Jazzfusion Hybrid lick)

- Insta lick no 29 (Lines from "In your own sweet way")

- Insta lick no 30 (Chromatics & sweep picking)

- Insta lick no 31 (Triplet lick with bendings)

- Insta lick no 32 (Major key lick from Brother wet)

- Insta lick no 33 (from a Rhythm changes chord progression)

- Insta lick no 34 (Jazz Blues lick to the Bb7 chord)

- Insta lick no 35 (Altered tones - 2-5-1 in major)

- Insta lick no 36 (Phrases from  Blue Bossa)

- Insta lick no 37 (Bossa Nova style lines - Bossa dream)

- Insta lick no 38 (Lines to Rhumba Blues - Rhumble rhumba)

- Insta lick no 39 (Lines in the Lydian mode)

- Insta lick no 40 (Arpeggio sweeping lick)

- Insta lick no 41 (...jazzy lines to a minor Jazz Blues)

- Insta lick no 42 (Arpeggio Jazz lick - Stella 1)

- Insta lick no 43 (Jazz licks from Stella 2)

- Insta lick no 44 (Jazz Fusion lines from John Scofield)

- Insta lick no 45 (Jazz Fusion lines from Mike Stern)

- Insta lick no 46 (Two Jazz Blues in major lines)

- Insta lick no 47 (Melodic minor to 2-5 in minor)

- Insta lick no 48 (E7 Bluesy lick)

- Insta lick no 49 (...a sliding the tones lick)

- Insta lick no 50 (Two Jazz blues licks in C minor)

- Insta lick no 51 (Jazz Blues lick in C minor)

- Insta lick no 52 (Jazz Blues lick in Bb)

- Insta lick no 53 (Fusion lick in C lydian)

- Insta lick no 54 (Three Blues licks in different keys)

- Insta lick no 55 (Three Country picking guitar licks)

- Insta lick no 56 (2-5-1 in G with altered tones)

- Insta lick no 57 (Two A minor dorian licks - Return of the Prodigal son)

- Insta lick no 58 (Two melodic minor licks)

- Insta lick no 59 (2 fusion guitar licks - 2 techniques)

- Insta lick no 60 (2 guitar licks in E minor - CBG#1)

- Insta lick no 61 (Two 2-5-1 licks in major)

- Insta lick no 62 (Two 2-5-1 licks in minor)

- Insta lick no 63 (2 octave playing guitar licks - CBG#1)

- Insta lick no 64 (Melodic minor licks)

- Insta lick no 65 (Two mixolydian licks)

- Insta lick no 66 (Two licks from Billie´s Bounce)

- Insta lick no 67 (Two licks to a Samba beat)

- Insta lick no 68 (Two licks from Revelation)

- Insta lick no 69 (Two lines from Desafinado)

- Insta lick no 70 (Lines from Take the A-train)

- Insta lick no 71 (Joe Pass lines on Rosetta #1)

- Insta lick no 72 (Jim Hall lines)

- Insta lick no 73 (Pat Martino lines)

- Insta lick no 74 (251 licks with altered tones)

- Insta lick no 75 (Two licks to a Latin jazz beat)

- Insta lick no 76 (Pat Metheny lines)

- Insta lick no 77 (Pentatonics to the 2-5-1 progression)

- Insta lick no 78 (Chromatics & Sequences - Have you met miss Jones)

- Insta lick no 79 (Jazz fusion lines)

- Insta lick no 80 (3 Jazz fusion licks)

- Insta lick no 81 (Two lines from Dolemite)

- Insta lick no 82 ("Get your things together" lines)

- Insta lick no 83 (Two lines from Whippersnapper)

- Insta lick no 84 (Jazz blues lick in Bb)

- Insta lick no 85 (2-5-1 lick in G major)


Guitar licks offer

5 licks - €3

10 licks - €5

25 licks - €8

Purchase in the shop list below

and tell me which guitar licks you want in the message formula.

I´ll send the licks to you as soon as I see your order.

Make sure you write the same mail adress as in your PayPal account and your full name.

You can also check out my

fusion guitar licks e-books from link below.

Guitar licks e-books


Choose from the list below and I send you the package when I see your purchase.

Shop list

Message formula

Instagram guitar licks offer

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Copyright © TeeBeeMusicAB