- My Guitar licks -
Here are my guitar licks.
I have official licks that I publish on Instagram and other social media. They are linked from this page to Instagram and have red text.
There are music score with notations to the 20 first guitar licks on this page. If you like that you´ll find notations
at Patreon (my official guitar licks)
and my Members area website to all the licks.
The green text licks are for my members to
my members area website.
If you sign up for membership you´ll have access
to all of my guitar licks with pdf music score.
Pdf files to the official guitar licks also available here
Guitar lick E-books available from links below.
- Insta lick no 1 (Dominant diminished) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 2 (2-5-1 in major7/pentatonics) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 3 (Octave playing to Road song) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 4 (Aeolian scale lines from "Riff it") - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 5 (Lines from Road song) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 6 (Diminished lines) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 7 (2-5-1 in major lines) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 8 (Dominant Lydian lines) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 9 (Modulations from "All the things you are") - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 10 Country picking lines, Swinging Cowboy) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 11 (Phrygian scale) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 12 (Country pickin´ solo, Ode to Danny) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 13 (Lines from All the things you are)- Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 14 (Country picking lines, Swinging Cowboy) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 15 (Melodic minor) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 16 (Dorian mode, from Em-Sylt) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 17 (Arpeggio & Pentatonics) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 18 (Charlie Christian lines) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 19 (Wes Montgomery lines) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 20 (George Benson lines) - Music score with notations
- Insta lick no 21 (3 pentatonic scales to Am7)
- Insta lick no 22 (Chromatic lick)
- Insta lick no 23 (One chorus Blue Bossa)
- Insta lick no 24 (Outside playing)
- Insta lick no 25 (Arpeggio lick in A major)
- Insta lick no 26 (Country picking soloing - Chet chat)
- Insta lick no 27 (Country guitar lines from Chet chat)
- Insta lick no 28 (Jazzfusion Hybrid lick)
- Insta lick no 29 (Lines from "In your own sweet way")
- Insta lick no 30 (Chromatics & sweep picking)
- Insta lick no 31 (Triplet lick with bendings)
- Insta lick no 32 (Major key lick from Brother wet)
- Insta lick no 33 (from a Rhythm changes chord progression)
- Insta lick no 34 (Jazz Blues lick to the Bb7 chord)
- Insta lick no 35 (Altered tones - 2-5-1 in major)
- Insta lick no 36 (Phrases from Blue Bossa)
- Insta lick no 37 (Bossa Nova style lines - Bossa dream)
- Insta lick no 38 (Lines to Rhumba Blues - Rhumble rhumba)
- Insta lick no 39 (Lines in the Lydian mode)
- Insta lick no 40 (Arpeggio sweeping lick in lydian mode)
- Insta lick no 41 (...jazzy lines to a minor Jazz Blues)
- Insta lick no 42 (Arpeggio Jazz lick - Stella 1)
- Insta lick no 43 (Jazz licks from Stella 2)
- Insta lick no 44 (Jazz Fusion lines from John Scofield)
- Insta lick no 45 (Jazz Fusion lines from Mike Stern)
- Insta lick no 46 (Two Jazz Blues in major lines)
- Insta lick no 47 (Melodic minor to 2-5 in minor)
- Insta lick no 48 (E7 Bluesy lick)
- Insta lick no 49 (...a sliding the tones lick)
- Insta lick no 50 (Two Jazz blues licks in C minor)
- Insta lick no 51 (Jazz Blues lick in C minor)
- Insta lick no 52 (Jazz Blues lick in Bb)
- Insta lick no 53 (Fusion lick in C lydian)
- Insta lick no 54 (Three Blues licks in different keys)
- Insta lick no 55 (Three Country picking guitar licks)
- Insta lick no 56 (2-5-1 in G with altered tones)
- Insta lick no 57 (Two A minor dorian licks - Return of the Prodigal son)
- Insta lick no 58 (Two melodic minor licks)
- Insta lick no 59 (2 fusion guitar licks - 2 techniques)
- Insta lick no 60 (2 guitar licks in E minor - CBG#1)
- Insta lick no 61 (Two 2-5-1 licks in major)
- Insta lick no 62 (Two 2-5-1 licks in minor)
- Insta lick no 63 (2 octave playing guitar licks - CBG#1)
- Insta lick no 64 (Melodic minor licks)
- Insta lick no 65 (Two mixolydian licks)
- Insta lick no 66 (Two licks from Billie´s Bounce)
- Insta lick no 67 (Two licks to a Samba beat)
- Insta lick no 68 (Two licks from Revelation)
- Insta lick no 69 (Two lines from Desafinado)
- Insta lick no 70 (Lines from Take the A-train)
- Insta lick no 71 (Joe Pass lines on Rosetta #1)
- Insta lick no 72 (Jim Hall lines)
- Insta lick no 73 (Pat Martino lines)
- Insta lick no 74 (251 licks with altered tones)
- Insta lick no 75 (Two licks to a Latin jazz beat)
- Insta lick no 76 (Pat Metheny lines)
- Insta lick no 77 (Pentatonics to the 2-5-1 progression)
- Insta lick no 78 (Chromatics & Sequences - Have you met miss Jones)
- Insta lick no 79 (Jazz fusion lines)
- Insta lick no 80 (3 Jazz fusion licks)
- Insta lick no 81 (Two lines from Dolemite)
- Insta lick no 82 ("Get your things together" lines)
- Insta lick no 83 (Two lines from Whippersnapper)
- Insta lick no 84 (Jazz blues lick in Bb)
- Insta lick no 85 (2-5-1 lick in G major)
- Lick no 86 - For Members (Arpeggio, legato & bend lick)
- Lick no 87 - For Members (Jazz blues lick in C)
- Lick no 88 - For members (Jazz blues lick in Bb)
- Lick no 89 - For members (Jazz blues lick in Bb)
- Lick no 90 - For Members (Jazz blues lick in Bb)
- Lick no 91 - For Members (2-5-1 lick in major)
- Lick no 92 - For members (Triplet lick in Fusion style)
- Lick no 93 - For members (Arpeggios & Pentatonics)
- Lick no 94 - For Members (Two blues licks with the m6th penta)
- Lick no 95 - For Members (Legato ideas and pentatonic runs)
- Lick no 96 - For Members (Octave solo playing lines - Return of the...)
- Lick no 97 - For members (Dominant diminished to the dominant)
- Lick no 98 - For members (Altered scale to the dominant)
- Lick no 99 - For Members (Polymetric licks)
- Lick no 100 - For Members (Carlos Santana lines on Hold on)
- Lick no 101 - For members (Ionian licks to the maj7 chord)
- Lick no 102 - For members (From my version of Blue in Green)
- Lick no 103 - For members (Joe Pass lines on Rosetta #2)
- Lick no 104 - For members (Joe Pass lines on Rosetta #3)
- Lick no 105 - For members (From my version of "James")
- Lick no 106 - For members (Alt. arpeggios on the 7th chord)
- Lick no 107 - For members (From the tune Moments Notice)
- Lick no 108 - For members (...from my CBG jam #3)
- Lick no 109 - For members (Pentatonic scales to 2-5-1)
- Lick no 110 - For members (2nd line from Santanas "Hold on")
- Lick no 111 - For members (Pat Martinos lines on The Days...)
- Lick no 112 - For Members (Lines from the Days of wine & roses)
- Lick no 113 - For members (Giant steps lines)
- Lick no 114 - For Members (Chromatic lines with polymetric phrasing)
- Lick no 115 - For members (Misty lines)
- Lick no 116 - For members (There will never be another you lines)
- Lick no 117 - For members (Lines from Cissy strut)
- Lick no 118 - For members (Jim Hall lines from Waltz new)
- Lick no 119 - For members (Lines from Beautiful love)
- Lick no 120 - For members (From Someday my prince will come)
- Lick no 121 - For members (From The Chicken)
- Lick no 122 - For members (From Like someone in love)
- Lick no 123 - For members (From Playing outside, part 1)
- Lick no 124 - For members (From Jam of the month, apr 2020)
- Lick no 125 - For members (From 3 chromatic lines lesson)
- Lick no 126 - For members (From Impressions)
- Lick no 127 - For members (5 licks from the Phrasing course)
- Lick no 128 - For members (Alt. chord tone arpeggios to the dominant
- Lick no 129 - For members (Diminished arpeggios to the dominant)
- Lick no 130 - For members (Mixed polymetric meters - Polymetrics #2)
- Lick no 131 - For members (Three polymetric licks - Polymetrics #3)
- Lick no 133 - For members (Playing outside using sequences in Bm)
- Lick no 134 - For members (Jazz blues lines in Bb / Jazz blues lesson 3)
- Lick no 135 - For members (from There´s no greater love)
- Lick no 136 - For members (from Oleo)
- Lick no 137 - For Members (Slide the tones lick)
- Lick no 137 - For members (from a Rhythm changes chord progression)
- Lick no 138 - For members (Chromatic lines to a Rhythm changes chord progression)
- Lick no 139 - For members (Altered tones to a Rhythm changes chord progression)
- Lick no 140 - For members (Rune Gustafsson lines to Killer Joe)
- Lick no 141 - For members (Wes Montgomery lines to No Blues)
- Lick no 142 - For members (Kenny Burrell lines to Chitlins con carne)
- Lick no 143 - For members (Toots Thielemans lines on Bluesette)
- Lick no 144 - For members (George Benson lines on Bennys back)
- Lick no 145 - For members (Kenny Burrell lines on Now see how you are)
- Lick no 146 - For members (Pat Metheny lines on Jaco)
- Lick no 147 - For members (Robben Ford lines on Billie´s bounce)
- Lick no 148 - For members (Emily Remler lines on Joy spring)
- Lick no 149 - For members (Miles Davis lines on So what)
- Lick no 150 - For members (Larry Carlton lines on Dont give it up)
- Lick no 151 - For members (George Benson lines on Farm boy)
- Lick no 152 - For members (John Scofield lines on Wabash III )
- Lick no 153 - For members (Carlos Santana lines on Black magic women)
- Lick no 154 - For members (Pat Metheny lines on Bright size life)
- Lick no 155 - For members (John Scofield lines on Cissy strut)
- Lick no 156 - For members (Mike Stern lines on Rooster)
- Lick no 157 - For members (Lines from "Alone together")
- Lick no 158 - For members (Lines from "Black Orpheus)
- Lick no 159 - For members (Rune Gustafsson lines on Killing me softly...)
- Lick no 160 - For members (Wayne Krantz lines on Lynxpaw)
- Lick no 161 - For Members (Two minor penta licks in Gm)
- Lick no 162 - For Members (Two m6 penta licks in Gm)
- Lick no 163 - For Members (Two minor blues scale licks in Gm)
- Lick no 164 - For Members (Two mixolydian licks)
- Lick no 165 - For Members (Two licks to the A minor Dorian mode)
- Lick no 166 - For Members (Lines from "Meditation")
- Lick no 167 - For Members (Lines from "Stompin´at the Savoy")
- Lick no 168 - For Members (Lines from "Travels")
- Lick no 169 - For Members (Lines from "Tenor Madness")
- Lick no 170 - For Members (Lines from "Gentle rain")
- Lick no 171 - For Members (Lines in the D minor aeolian mode)
- Lick no 172 - For Members (Lines from "The Nearness of you")
- Lick no 173 - For Members (Lines from "Just friends")
- Lick no 174 - For Members (Lines from "Akasa")
- Lick no 175 - For Members (Lines from "Con Alma")
- Lick no 176 - For Members (Shuffle blues in A lines)
- Lick no 177 - For Members (Lines from "El Gaucho")
- Lick no 178 - For Members (Lines from "Chameleon")
- Lick no 179 - For Members (Lines from Red Baron")
- Lick no 180 - For Members (Lines from a funk blues in A)
- Lick no 181 - For Members (Lines from "Lakes")
- Lick no 182 - For Members (Lines from "Jazzt play")
- Lick no 183 - For Members (Lines from "Fly me to the moon")
- Lick no 184 - For Members (Lines from "I´ll be seeing you")
- Lick no 185 - For Members (Lines from "Autumn leaves")
- Lick no 186 - For Members (Arpeggio lines from "Autumn leaves")
Get two e-Books with guitar licks for free here
Two e-Books filled with
licks & lines
Music score and explanations to each lick in the eBooks
Copyright © TeeBeeMusicAB