- My official lessons -

"Other lessons"

Here are my official "Other lessons" on YouTube.

Click on the particular lesson to watch.

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Other lessons

Quick lessons

- Quick lesson no.1 - Walking bass with chords / G13-C9

- Quick lesson no.2 - ...about the "Whole tone scale"

- Quick lesson no.3 - Three minor penta scale in the dorian mode

- Quick lesson no.4 - The "Dominant lydian" scale

- Quick lesson no.5 - Walking bass with chords to 2-5-1 in major

- Quick lesson no.6 - Dominant diminished scale to G13b9

- Quick lesson no.7 - The minor to major thing to the Bb7 chord

- Quick lesson no.8 - Jazz chords to 2-5-1 in G with lead tones

- Quick lesson no.9 - Quartal chords with the blues scale

- Quick lesson no.10 - The altered scale to the G7#9#5 chord

- Quick lesson no.11 - Walking bass with chords to 2-5-1 in minor

- Quick lesson no.12 - Lead tone line to a turnaround in C

- Quick lesson no 13 - Create chromatic lines with passing tones

- Quick lesson no 14 - Chord solo lines w. 13th chords & the blues scale

- Quick lesson no 15 - Bbmaj7#5 chord tone arpeggio to the Em7b5 chord

- Quick lesson no 16 - Chord shapes to a turnaround in Bb

- Quick lesson no 17 - Walking bass w. chords to a turnaround in C

- Quick lesson no 18 - Bbmaj7 chord tone arpeggio to the Gm7 chord

- Quick lesson no 19 - Pentatonics - Penta scales to the 2-5-1 in C

- Quick lesson no 20 - Harmonic minor scale to 2-5-1 in A minor

- Quick lesson no 21 - Dmaj7 chord tone arpeggio to the Gmaj7 chord

- Quick lesson no 22 - Walking bass w. chords to a bluesy shuffle

- Quick lesson no 23 - 2-5-1 in C minor with melody tones

- Quick lesson no 24 - A9 chord tone arpeggio to the Gmaj7 chord

- Quick lesson no 25 - Chromatics to the C triad

- Quick lesson no 26 - Harmonize a walking bass line

- Quick lesson no 27 - Finger picking - ...a starter

- Quick lesson no 28 - The C melodic minor scale

- Quick lesson no 29 - ...to a jazz blues turnaround in Bb

- Quick lesson no 30 - Combined two finger picking patterns

- Quick lesson no 31 - Altered scale to 2-5-1 in G

- Quick lesson no 32 - Playing in octaves to the Bb7 chord

- Quick lesson no 33 - Dominant diminished to 2-5-1 in

- Quick lesson no 34 - Finger picking - Put in melodies

- Quick lesson no 35 - W.B.W.C, ...a polyrhythmic exercise

- Quick lesson no 36 - 2-5-1 Chord progression - Minor pentatonic

- Quick lesson no 37 - Finger picking - Put in legatos

- Quick lesson no 38 - Scales - Chromatic blues scale in C

- Quick lesson no 39 - 2-5-1 Chord progression - Whole tone scale

- Quick lesson no 40 - W.B.W.C - Polyrhythmic exercise to a turnaround

- Quick lesson no 41 - Finger picking - legatos & melodies

- Quick lesson no 42 - Scales - The C minor 6 pentatonic scale

- Quick lesson no 43 - Funk tip - Funk rhythm guitar in E

- Quick lesson no 44 - Hybrid picking - Bluesy Hybrid picking riff in G

- Quick lesson no 45 - Jazz tip - Put in chords to your soloing

- Quick lesson no 46 - Pentatonics - Penta scales to the 2-5-1 in G

- Quick lesson no 47 - Funk tip - Funk rhythm guitar in G

- Quick lesson no 48 - Hybrid picking - Hybrid picking in A

- Quick lesson no 49 - Cmaj7 chord tone arpeggio to the Am9 chord

- Quick lesson no 50 - Chromatics - Chromatics to the Am chord

- Quick lesson no 51 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 1-2

- Quick lesson no 52 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 3-4

- Quick lesson no 53 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 5-8

- Quick lesson no 54 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 9-12

- Quick lesson no 55 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - full chorus

- Quick lesson no 56 - Jazz tip - Target notes to the 2-5-1 in D

- Quick lesson no 57 - Pentatonics - Two penta scales to Am7

- Quick lesson no 58 - Pentatonics - Funk rhythm to the A7 chord

- Quick lesson no 59 - Hybrid picking - ...to a chord progression in E

- Quick lesson no 60 - W.B.W.C - to a chord progression in Bb

- Quick lesson no 61 - Scales - Dominant pentatonic scale to the C7 chord

Jam of the month

- December 2016 "A minor Dorian"

- January 2017 "Modulate between E minor and G minor"

- March 2017 "Lydian mode"

- June 2017 - "Jazz blues in major"

- October 2017 - "Melodic minor scale"

- March 2018 "Mixolydian mode"

- October 2018 "Modulate between maj7 chords"

- October 2019 "Soloing to a C minor Jazz blues"

- May 2020 "Mixojam - mixolydian mode"

- January 2021 "Improvising to 2-5-1 in G minor"

- May 2021 "Improvising to 2-5-1 in G major"

- March 2023 "Soloing in the aeolian mode"

- November 2023 "Shuffle blues in A"

- May 2024 "Mix single string & chords in the soloing"

- Nov 2024 "...to a Funkblues in A"

Song of the month

- December 2016 - Chet Chat - "Country"

- January 2017 - Brother Wet - "Jazzrock"

- March 2017 - Blue Bossa - "Latin jazz"

- July 2017 - Return of the Prodigal son - "Jazz with beat"

- January 2018 - Billie´s Bounce - "Jazz blues"

- November 2019 - Revelation - "Gospel fusion"

- April 2020 - The Chicken - "Fusion"

- February 2021 - Cissy strut - "Funk"

- March 2021 - Dolemite - "Blues fusion"

- January 2023 - Tenor Madnes - "Jazz blues"

- September 2023 - Akasa - "Jazz Fusion"

- March 2024 - Chameleon - "Jazz Fusion"

- September 2024 - Red baron - "Jazz Fusion"


- Guide to Sweep picking with Sweep picking exercise no.1

- Guide to Legato playing with Legato playing exercise no.1

- Guide to Chromatic exercises with Chromatic exercise no.1

- Guide to Bending strings with Bending strings exercise no.1

Beginners course

- Introduction

- Guitar tuning

- Part 1 - One tone blues

- Part 2 - Two tones song

Keep on playing course

- Dusty finger (finger picking)

- Autumn picking (finger picking)

- Malaguena


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