- Quick lessons -

These are my quick lessons where I show and discuss different topics in short videos.

Pdf files to the quick lessons available on

my Members area website and in my web store.


Watch the quick lessons from links below

Quick lesson no 1 - Walking bass with chords - G13 to C9 and back / on YT

Quick lesson no 2 - ...about the whole tone scale / on YT

Quick lesson no 3 - Three penta scales in the Dorian mode / on YT

Quick lesson no 4 - The dominant lydian scale to G7#11 / on YT

Quick lesson no 5 - Walking bass with chords - Am-D7-Gmaj / on YT

Quick lesson no 6 - The dominant diminished scale to the G13b9 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 7 - The "minor to major thing" on the Bb7 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 8 - Chords to lead tone lines to 2-5-1 / on YT

Quick lesson no 9 - Quartal chords with the blues scale / on YT

Quick lesson no 10 - The altered scale to the G7#9#5 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 11 - Walking bass w. chords - Dm7b5 - G7alt. - Cm / on YT

Quick lesson no 12 - Lead tone line to a turnaround in C / on YT

Quick lesson no 13 - Create chromatic lines with passing tones - on YT

Quick lesson no 14 - Chord solo lines w. 13th chords & blues scale - on YT

Quick lesson no 15 - Bbmaj7#5 chord tone arpeggio to the Em7b5 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 16 - Chord shapes to a turnaround in Bb / on YT

Quick lesson no 17 - Walking bass w. chords - To a turnaround in C / on YT

Quick lesson no 18 - Bbmaj7 chord tone arpeggio to the Gm7 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 19 - Pentatonics - Penta scales to the 2-5-1 in C / on YT

Quick lesson no 20 - A harmonic minor to 2-5-1 in A minor / on YT

Quick lesson no 21 - Dmaj7 chord tone arpeggio to the Gmaj7 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 22 - Walking bass with chords to a bluesy shuffle / on YT

Quick lesson no 23 - 2-5-1 in C minor with melody tones / on YT

Quick lesson no 24 - A9 chord tone arpeggio to the Gmaj7 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 25 - Chromatics to the C triad / on YT

Quick lesson no 26 - Harmonize a walking bass line / on YT

Quick lesson no 27 - Finger picking - a starter / on YT

Quick lesson no 28 - Scales - The C melodic minor scale / on YT

Quick lesson no 29 - W.B.W.C - ...to a jazz blues turnaround in Bb / on YT

Quick lesson no 30 - Finger picking - Combine two patterns / on YT

Quick lesson no 31 - 2-5-1 Chord progression - Altered scale / on YT

Quick lesson no 32 - Jazz tip - Playing in octaves to the Bb7 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 33 - 2-5-1 Chord progression - Dominant diminished / on YT

Quick lesson no 34 - Finger picking - Combine two patterns / on YT

Quick lesson no 35 - W.B.W.C - ...a polyrhythmic exercise / on YT

Quick lesson no 36 - 2-5-1 Chord progression - Minor pentatonic / on YT

Quick lesson no 37 - Finger picking - Put in legatos / on YT

Quick lesson no 38 - Scales - Chromatic blues scale in C / on YT

Quick lesson no 39 - 2-5-1 Chord progression - Whole tone scale / on YT

Quick lesson no 40 - W.B.W.C - Polyrhythmic exercise to a turnaround / on YT

Quick lesson no 41 - Finger picking - legatos & melodies / on YT

Quick lesson no 42 - Scales - The C minor 6 pentatonic scale / on YT

Quick lesson no 43 - Funk tip - Funk rhythm guitar in E / on YT

Quick lesson no 44 - Hybrid picking - Bluesy Hybrid picking riff in G / on YT Quick lesson no 45 - Jazz tip - Put in chords to your soloing / on YT

Quick lesson no 46 - Pentatonics - Penta scales to the 2-5-1 in G / on YT

Quick lesson no 47 - Funk tip - Funk rhythm guitar in G / on YT

Quick lesson no 48 - Hybrid picking - Hybrid picking in A / on YT

Quick lesson no 49 - Cmaj7 chord tone arpeggio to the Am9 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 50 - Chromatics - Chromatics to the Am chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 51 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 1-2 / on YT

Quick lesson no 52 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 3-4 / on YT

Quick lesson no 53 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 5-8 / on YT

Quick lesson no 54 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - bar 9-12 / on YT

Quick lesson no 55 - Chords - Chord solo to F jazz blues - full chorus / on YT

Quick lesson no 56 - Jazz tip - Target notes to the 2-5-1 in D / on YT

Quick lesson no 57 - Pentatonics - Two penta scales to Am7 / on YT

Quick lesson no 58 - Funk tip - Funk rhythm to the A7 chord / on YT

Quick lesson no 59 - Hybrid picking - ...to a chord progression in E / on YT

Quick lesson no 60 - W.B.W.C - to a chord progression in Bb / on YT

Quick lesson no 61 - Scales - Dominant pentatonic scale to the C7 chord / on YT

Go to the quick lessons e-book bundles from link below.

Quick lessons e-book bundles


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Two e-Books filled with

licks & lines


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